I just ordered mine – The Lathe Book 3rd Edition ISBN 978-1-64155-011-6 | Conover Workshops is now available for $21! One of the best woodturning reference books ever written has been updated, and I’m proud to post the following from Ernie’s site:
Free Shipping in the Continental US ONLY …
Completely revised and updated, The Lathe Book, 3rd Edition is the definitive guide to this essential turning machine written by legendary woodturning author, teacher, and lathe designer Ernie Conover. In the 17 years since the 2nd edition came out, there have been tremendous advances in lathes, accessories, and sharpening equipment. Conover brings this classic reference book up-to-date, incorporating the many recent innovations in the lathe and its accessories. Paperback.
- Introduces the novice or professional woodturner to the expanded range of lathes now available, including invaluable information on choosing a lathe.
- Features many new chucks for holding work, as well as ones you can build yourself.
- Offers comprehensive advice on selecting turning tools, including carbide-insert tools.
- Outlines the groundbreaking developments in sharpening equipment with jig settings to make your tools preform to the their full potential.
- Inclusive Safety Chapter with special emphasis on the importance of eye and hearing protection. Also covers equipment and practices that will keep you and all other persons in your shop safe.
- Completely updated Accessories Chapter which photoessays on Hollow Form apparatus and cone separation equipment (cut multiple bowls from one blank).
- Entire chapter devoted to lathe maintenance including bearing replacement.
Also, details on tomorrow’s Zoom call with Ernie discussing Bowl Gouge Grinds were going to be posted in a PDF, but technical issues are barking. Details are below –
From Mr. Conover:
Understanding Bowl Gouge Grinds
Saturday, January 30, 2021 at 10am Eastern Time, I will be presenting a ZOOM
Primer on understanding bowl gouge grinds. I will demonstrate the various grinds,
starting with the simple square face grind used by Frank Pain and Peter Child
advancing to the currently popular grinds such as the 40/40, Irish and Triple grind.
Secondary bevels will be explained. Questions and answers will probably add as
much to the session as the formal part. Please join me for a program that I put a good
deal of research into.
Forward this invitation to your friends: Until now we have limited these Zoom
Primer Invitations to our present and past student list. It is now time to open up to a
bigger audience, so please forward this invitation on to friends who you think might
enjoy joining the fun. We record these sessions and post them on our YouTube
Channel. Please become a subscriber so that you are notified when they are posted.
Ernie Conover is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Ernie Conover’s Zoom Bowl Gouge Grinds
Time: Jan 30, 2021 10:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
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