Coffee Hour 111 – July 14, 2022. Woodturners weekly coffee hour #111 for July 14, 2022. It may have been Fête nationale française (Bastile Day) in France, but the real celebration was during the 111th LAW Coffee Hour as the hour flew by, filled with provocative displays of fine work and new tools. Vive le tournage sur bois !
Dave shows us his newest toy… we’re all looking forward to seeing projects coming out of his shop!
Don Smith checks in from the UK to show us more of his brilliant projects. Cheers, Don!

Coffee Hour 112 – July 21, 2022. Woodturners weekly coffee hour #112 for July 21, 2022. Al Stirt, bowl maker from Vermont, was the July guest star. For more on Al, check his website at Al Stirt Home. Here’s the full hour video:
Before we got started today, several regulars, avid turners all, couldn’t wait to show off their current projects, the recording was on so it’s posted above as a 5-minute wee bonus.
Coffee Hour 113 – July 28, 2022. Woodturners weekly coffee hour #113 for July 28, 2022. Bill and Dave show amazing skill in their work – don’t miss this one!
Coffee Hour 114 – August 4, 2022. Woodturners weekly coffee hour #114 for August 4, 2022. David Sloan discussed his foot-powered lathe at the Goschenhoppen Folk Festival. More info about this festival is at
Coffee Hour 115 – August 11, 2022. Woodturners weekly coffee hour #115 for August 11, 2022. The meeting opens with a hybrid meeting report from moderator John Kelsey. Barry Price shows his new shopmade steady rest for deep hollowing on the wood lathe, very impressive. Then Jim Bowman and Doug Reesor demonstrate the McNaughton coring apparatus in a 10-minute video, leading into an extensive discussion of coring. Systems like the McNaughton and the Oneway allow you to take three or four bowls from the middle of one large bowl, so it’s an efficient way to get the most from good wood. Toby Bouder shows colorful examples of natural edge bowls cored from burls.

Coffee Hour 116 – August 18, 2022. Woodturners weekly coffee hour #116 for August 18, 2022. Albert LeCoff joined us to share a superb slideshow and lecture of the history of the contemporary woodturning movement. Back in the 1970s Albert created the woodturning symposium as a way to get together and learn. He went on to cofound, with his twin brother Alan, the Center for Art in Wood, as well as the American Association of Woodturners itself. Here is the full video from the hour, the first of two guest star appearances by Albert on Coffee Hour – he’ll be back August 25 2022 to complete his show.
Coffee Hour 117 – August 25, 2022. Woodturners weekly coffee hour #117 for August 25, 2022. Albert LeCoff joined us on Coffee Hour #117 to continue sharing a superb slideshow and lecture of the history of the contemporary woodturning movement. Back in the 1970s Albert created the woodturning symposium as a way to get together and learn. He went on to cofound, with his twin brother Alan, the Center for Art in Wood, as well as the American Association of Woodturners itself. Here is the full video from the hour, the second of two guest star appearances by Albert on Coffee Hour.
Coffee Hour 118 – September 8, 2022. The hour opened with news about our Zoom enhancement to the Mid Atlantic woodturning symposium on September 23-25 2022, register at Tony Bouder shows new and colorful turned bowls. Mike Lebo shows slides of amazing segmented turnings by Tony Omeis of the Nittany Valley club. Jim Duxbury made some more nifty napkin holders, a multi-piece woodturning project for the dining table. John Kelsey shows a new 5-minute movie of the Gonshehoppen Folk Festival featuring a foot-powered lathe, spring-pole lathe, and boring wooden water pipes. Barry Price stacked up an amazing segmented vase. Jim Bowman has more blasted wood made into lively turned pots and vases. There’s also an 11-minute video of the Gonshehoppen festival video, linked below.
Coffee Hour 119 – September 15, 2022. A good week for turners! More news about our Zoom enhancement to the Mid Atlantic woodturning symposium on September 23-25 2022; register today at
Coffee Hour 120 – September 22, 2022. Another good week for turners!