“He who works with his hands is a laborer. He who works with his hands and his head is a craftsman. He who works with his hands and his head and his heart is an artist. He who works with his hands and his head and his heart and proper PPE is a woodturner.”
St. Francis of Assissi (with liberties)

The following are the Monthly Meetings held via Zoom and in person, captured and edited by LAW members for your enjoyment. Please let us know (through the Comments Page) what topics you’d like to see, or if you have videos from your club that you’d like to share.

Legal stuff: All rights reserved to the video talent and creators of the videos. Please practice safe turning at all times. If you have any questions pertaining to the subject matter in these videos, feel free to reach out to us through the Comments Page and we’ll get back to you pronto!

LAW May 2024 Monthly Meeting

LAW April 2024 Monthly Meeting

LAW March 2024 Monthly Meeting

LAW February 2024 Monthly Meeting

LAW December 2023 Monthly Meeting

LAW November 2023 Monthly Meeting

LAW October 2023 Monthly Meeting

LAW August 2023 Monthly Meeting

LAW July 2023 Monthly Meeting – Picnic, no video

LAW June 2023 Monthly Meeting

LAW May 2023 Monthly Meeting

LAW April 2023 Monthly Meeting

LAW March 7, 2023 Monthly Meeting
LAW February 7, 2023 Monthly Meeting
LAW January 3, 2023 Monthly Meeting
LAW December 6, 2022 Monthly Meeting
LAW November 1, 2022 Monthly Meeting
LAW October 4, 2022 Monthly Meeting
LAW August 2, 2022 Monthly Meeting
LAW July Monthly Meeting was the annual picnic. No video available. June reposted here.
LAW June 7, 2022 Monthly Meeting
LAW May 3, 2022 Monthly Meeting
LAW April 5, 2022 Monthly Meeting
LAW March 1, 2022 Monthly Meeting

Click here to get Matthew’s Recipes for Food Safe Finishes:http://www.lancasterareawoodturners.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/Finish-Demo-Handout.pdf

LAW February 1, 2022 Monthly Meeting

LAW January 4, 2022 Monthly Meeting
LAW December 7, 2021 Monthly Meeting


LAW November 02, 2021 Monthly Meeting
LAW October 5, 2021 Monthly Meeting
LAW September 07, 2021 Monthly Meeting (3 videos)
LAW August 03, 2021 Monthly Meeting (3 videos)

LAW July 06, 2021 Monthly Meeting (3 videos)
LAW May 4, 2021 Monthly Meeting (3 videos)
LAW April 6, 2021 Monthly Meeting (3 videos)

LAW March 2, 2021 Monthly Meeting (4 videos)

LAW February 2, 2021 Monthly Meeting (4 videos)
LAW January 5, 2021 Monthly Meeting Show and Tell
LAW December 1, 2020 Monthly Meeting and officer election for 2021
LAW November 4, 2020 Monthly Meeting