A big Thank You to John Kelsey for Zoom-hosting the LAW Coffee Meetings and the first Monthly Meeting. Without a question, last night’s meeting was a success and very entertaining! I used the ‘Speaker Mode’ for most of the meeting, and it was a lot of fun to see random faces pop up on a 65″ HDTV! But technical quirks aside, Zoom is a great way to stay connected. Please check our Virtual Meeting page for John’s PDF notes on the meeting, and leave us a message in the Comments page if you have any suggestions, thoughts, or ideas for future meetings.

Quick word: many of us are spending more time in our shops as we ride out this wave of isolation. Please take extra care of yourselves with proper personal protection equipment, as this is not a good time to have to go to the emergency room. Double check that your surroundings are safe – take an extra minute to sweep up underfoot, watch for loose power cords, tighten up that chuck a second time, and keep the tools sharp. Be safe, be creative and have fun.